Holly Jones
Edmond, Oklahoma, UNITED STATES
As a classical contemporary solo piano composer and artist, Holly writes from a place of deep authenticity and transports her audiences into a receptive atmosphere of meditative calm. Holly's fourth album, "Art On The Piano," was released October, 2019. "Art On The Piano" is a collection of eleven solo piano compositions utilizing romanticism and neoclassical themes, with each piece inviting the listener into another aspect of coming into the present, through the five senses.
Born in Owensboro, Kentucky Holly began studying violin at age three, piano at eight, and creating compositions on the piano by nine. Her training includes many years of private study, as well as private piano and composition study at Indiana University.
Holly's solo piano debut album, "Traveler" was released in 2003. Her second album "Storyteller" was released in 2016, followed by the orchestrated version of "Storyteller" in 2017, by Ludek Drizhal, featuring Holly at the piano and the Prague Metropolitan Orchestra.
As a physical therapist, Holly has an inherent understanding of the healing power of music, and enjoys the art of creating pieces that are "good for the neurology." She lives with her husband Fred, and beloved dog, Darbie, in Edmond, OK and loves playing in StudioJones, the self-proclaimed "best practice room in the world."
A common theme Holly hears about her music is how healing it is to others. One fan shared a personal account of her losing battle with C. Diff., a very serious bacterial infection of the gut that can become fatal. She was taken to the hospital with a blood pressure of 80/40 and described herself as dying, afraid to go to sleep because she might not awaken. Her attuning father brought her a Walkman with Holly's CD "Traveler" and told her "just go where the music takes you". In her dream, the Lord's hand came down to cradle her. When she awakened, her fever was gone, and she was discharged as fully recovered the next day.
"I wish for my music to reach the truth in each person listening...to help them take pause in the busyness of life and to bring them peace and clarity. I envision that it is most likely played as background music...it provides a setting of peace...but when one listens closer, it can 'take them away'...and always to the best place..."
~ holly jones
“Art On The Piano” reviewed by Pam Asberry

Born in Owensboro, Kentucky, Holly Jones began studying violin at age three, piano at eight, and creating compositions on the piano by nine. Years of training, including many years of private study as well as private piano and composition lessons at Indiana University, followed. Holly’s solo piano debut album, “Traveler” was released in 2003. Her second album, “Storyteller,” was released in 2016, followed by the orchestrated version of “Storyteller” in 2017. A physical therapist in Edmond, Oklahoma, Holly has an inherent understanding of the healing power of music. With her fourth release, “Art on the Piano,” Holly has created a self-described “neoclassical impressionistic study that is relaxing and healing for the listener.”
The album opens with the spectacular “Blackberry Sky.” Profound in its simplicity, musical ideas drifting back and forth between the sparkling upper octaves and the darker lower registers of the piano, this piece takes me back to childhood days lying on soft grass experiencing the ever-changing shapes of the clouds overhead. “Butterfly” is a stately, elegant waltz, the left hand accompaniment gently undulating like the wings of a butterfly as it rests on a beautiful flower. “In the Quiet” is restful and meditative and brought to mind a favorite quote from Blaise Pascal: “Think about some of the problems of our daily lives, and how many of them would be eased if we could learn go sit alone, in a quiet empty room, with contentment.” Pensive and brooding, the title track, “Art on the Piano,” brought dark blues and grays to my mind’s eye, creating a mood both somber and tinged with hope. “Stillness of Brilliance” is almost a waking dream, cheerful yet peaceful.
Have you ever had the experience of looking at a beautiful painting and being moved to tears without quite understanding why? That was my experience upon hearing “Cry for Happy.” Both the recognition of beauty and the crying have a healing effect on the soul! “Jellies” moves with the ease of jellyfish swimming in the ocean, gliding effortlessly through the water in a way that is utterly captivating. Dark and languid, “The Room” features a haunting melody over a slow, broken chord left hand accompaniment; “Repose” is calm, peaceful and contemplative, like sitting in a front porch swing at dusk. “Walk with the Trees” is as restorative as a stroll through a fragrant forest. “Light on the Water” has a bit of a Celtic lilt and is a musical depiction of light glittering on ripples of water, bringing the album to a delightful conclusion.
With “Art on the Piano,” Holly has achieved her stated goal as an artist: “I wish for my music to reach the truth in each person listening…to help them take pause in the busyness of life and to bring them peace and clarity. As one tunes into the music it is my intention that it provides a setting of peace…but when one listens closer, it can take them away and always to the best place.” Very highly recommended!